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Tao Tribe

Craig Steven Phillips

I am a Buddhist/Taoist teacher and author, who has been practicing and teaching meditation, Qigong and Yoga for the past 43 years. One of the most auspicious days of my life was when I came across the Tao Te Ching; the blueprint for living a life in the effortless Flow of the Present Moment.
Besides admitting to being a preposterous rascal, I am also an Interfaith Minister and was ordained into Buddhism by the Dalai Lama. I also bow low to all of my other teachers who have had such a profound impact on my life. My purpose in teaching is to demystify meditation and make it accessible to anyone who wishes to come home to the ease and joy within.
"Treat every moment as your last.
It is not preparation for
something else."
Shunryu Suzuki
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