Creating a Better 'Future'
"Be here with this breath, and the future will take care of itself." Francis Lucille Often we can find ourselves 'waiting' for a better...

Beyond Fear
"Psychological fear is always of something that might happen, not of something that is happening now. You are in the here and now, while...

Breaking the Addiction to Suffering
We say we want inner peace. We tell anyone who will listen that our deepest wish is for happiness and contentment, and that we would be...

Accepting What Is
We spend a lot of time resisting whatever shows up in our life. This resistance to whatever is happening right now, often results in a...

Breaking the Addiction to Thinking
"To the ego, the present moment hardly exists. Only the past and future are considered important. The present moment holds the key to...

Having Enough
Many people walk around with a nagging feeling that something is missing from their lives. No matter what they do, no matter where they...

Embrace the Mystery
"Free from desire, you realize the mystery. Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations. Yet mystery and manifestations arise from...

Happy Being
"We can't find the peace of silence without stopping. Running faster and faster, pushing ourselves harder and harder, will never bring it...

What's Here and Now?
Ever notice that it's always now? Don't take my word for it; take a moment and see for yourself; that you are always here, now. That no...

The Essence of the Tao
"Acceptance is the essence of the Tao" Lao Tzu Speaking in the Hua Hu Ching The Tao is the flow of the here and now, as it is. Everything...