Healing Our Suffering
"Quite often we avoid silence, thinking that we will thereby avoid suffering; but in truth, taking quiet time to come home to ourselves...

Falling Into Place
"Practice not-doing and everything will fall into place." Tao Te Ching We experience the Tao, the Universal Source of Everything...

Being There
It's amazing what we begin to notice when we are actually present to our lives. So often, we are lost in a haze of thoughts, worrying...

Silence Speaking
"Before speaking, let your words pass through these three gates: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? Sufi Teaching All of us have...

Let Go
"Attachment is the root of all suffering." The Buddha Often we like to think that people and things 'out there', actually belong to us....

The Light of Christmas/Solstice
"Don't you know that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you?" Jesus As Christmas/Solstice approaches, many are caught up in the stress of...

Do You Hear What I Hear?
"Silence is the language of God. All else is poor translation." Rumi Take a moment, close your eyes, and listen....... Not to the voice...

Even In The Most Ordinary Things
"How can the divine Oneness be seen? In beautiful forms, breathtaking wonders, awe-inspiring miracles? The Tao is not obliged to present...

This Is It!
Often we can find ourselves waiting for the 'right' set of circumstances to start living. The mind insist's that happiness and peace can...

The Thundering Silence
The practice of mindfulness is very simple. You stop, you breathe, and you still your mind. You come home to yourself so that you can...