A Spontaneous Life of Joy
"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things...

The Light of the Winter Solstice
"Open your hearts now... Listen to the river" Luka Bloom As we move into the heart of the Sacred Season, we can often feel our hearts...

The Gifts You Give
"It is in giving that we receive" St. Francis With 'Black Friday' now behind us, record amounts of money were spent this past weekend on...

The Sacred Sound
I often hear from people that, while they would like to meditate regularly, they sometimes have a very hard time settling the mind down...

The Greatest Gift
"Joy and happiness become real through mindfulness of the breath." Thich Nhat Hanh What if the breath you're taking right now is the...

What You Give Is What You Get
"As it moves in the world, the Tao is like a river flowing home to the sea." Tao Te Ching I often receive articles and video links from...

Living in the Flow
"As it moves in the world, the Tao is like a great river flowing home to the sea." Tao Te Ching Have you ever noticed that rivers always...

Got Energy?
As the world seems to be making more and more demands on our time, and our lives are filled with an endless 'to do' list, we can find...

Give a Little Bit
"Those who think that they have no time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness." Edward Stanely Looking...

Your Life is a Work of Art
"Creativity is often linked to Flow - energized focus, effortless expression, total immersion in what we are doing. Both creativity and...