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Tao Tribe

The following are the books and music that are often used at Tao Tribe meditations, Intensives and Qigong classes. All of these can be found on either Amazon or iTunes.
Tao Te Ching
Translation by Stephen Mitchell
The user-friendly manual on how to live in the effortless flow of the present moment (the Tao). Written by Lao Tzu 2800 years ago, this text is essential for anyone wishing to practice Taoism in their lives, and thus find peace and joy in their moment-to moment experience.
The Second Book of the Tao
Translation by Stephen Mitchell
The teachings of Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu, these teachings further illuminate, through wisdom and humor, the Way to live in harmony and balance with the Way things are.
The Hua Hu Ching (The Unknown Teachings of Lao Tzu).
Translation by Brian Browne Walker
Whether or not Lao Tzu actually wrote these teachings is irrelevant, as they encapsulate and embody the spirit of Taoism as powerfully as any other text that is available to us. Apparently passed along through the oral tradition from teacher to student, these powerful insights are highly recommended.
A Thousand Names for Joy
Byron Katie (with a lot of assistance from Stephen Mitchell).
This book is Katie's commentary of the 81 chapters of the Tao Te Ching, and is essential reading for those wishing a deeper understanding of the wisdom and application of Taoist teachings. A must-read!
The Tao of Pooh
Benjamin Hoff
This was the first book I ever read on Taoism, and it is still a wonderfully light-hearted and fun way to learn of the main ingredients of Taoist practice, as seen through the eyes of that great Taoist sage, Winnie the Pooh.
Om Mani Padme Hum (Cosmic Version)
Imee Ooi
Tibetan prayer of great compassion, and the mantra that the Dalai Lama constantly repeats. If you feel the longing to open your heart and feel a greater flow of love and compassion for yourself and others, this is the place to begin.
Happy Maitreya (The Buddha of Loving-Kindness)
Imee Ooi
Another Buddhist prayer, this time to Maitreya, the Happy Buddha. If more joy and happiness are what you long for, listen to this chant on a regular basis.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
This powerful rendition of the mantra of Nichiren Buddhism is said to undo the ties of negative karma and bring unending blessings to those who repeat it. Guaranteed to deepen your state of meditation, and awaken Buddha Consciousness.
Om So Hum
Meditative Mind
Another very powerful mantra, So Hum translates as, I Am That, and is said to be the very first mantra, as it reflects the sound that is made by the in and out breath. It was also practiced by the Buddha during his journey to awakening.
Om Chanting at 432 Hz
Meditative Mind
The primordial sound of creation. Listening and chanting the sound of Om is said to purify and still the mind, while bringing the practitioner into a state of union and oneness with Divine Awareness.

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