The Gift of the Christ Light

"If your eye is single, your whole body will be full of Light."
Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth
As we approach our Winter Stillness Meditation Retreat this Saturday, Dec. 14th, the Winter Solstice on Dec. 21st, and Christmas just a few days after that; we are being given a powerful opportunity to stop our habitual 'doing' and rediscover the joy and peace of just 'being'. As the old Taoist Masters have reminded us about this Sacred time of year; there is a Divine Light pouring into the world that is there to heal and rejuvenate our Spirits, and guide us into the higher Love and Awareness within our hearts. If we are willing to take the time to just 'Be Still', breathe and rest in the unfolding of this powerful Light, we can embrace the healing grace that is flowing to all of those who are willing to, 'have the eyes to see and the ears to hear', as Yeshua once said.
In the promise of both the Winter Solstice (the longest night of the year), and the Light of Christmas, we are given the opportunity to align ourselves with the transforming energy that is pouring into the world right Now; refresh our Spirits in the peace of the Tao's perfect Flow, and rest in the knowing that all is well and unfolding as it should. On the Solstice - the longest night of the year - Mother Earth enters her long winter, where she can rest and regenerate, knowing that in the Spring there will be new growth, abundance and opportunity. We can all learn from this example that, by aligning ourselves with the energy of Winter; and it's invitation to rest, be still, meditate and heal our bodies, minds and spirits; everything will be made new again in the warmth of the Spring.
In Christmas, the gift of the Christ-Light is made available to all who open their hearts; where we can feel the Love and joy that cannot be found in the outer-world. As Yeshua told us, and which many of us are learning very powerfully right now; you simply cannot find peace, contentment or true happiness in this world, where everything is constantly changing. The true treasures of Love, peace and joy can ONLY be found within us. What a wonderful time it is to actually open to the Truth of these words; to rest in the inner-sanctuary of grace and power, where the Stillness and Silence of the Divine Presence await us as surely as our next breath. For those who are willing to turn within during this Sacred time, to 'Be Still' everyday in meditation and to trust implicitly in the Divine Intelligence that is governing our lives; there will be the surety, the guidance, and the Light to make it through any challenges that may lie ahead, knowing that this Light is who and what we are, and with us always.